Wednesday, October 23, 2013


My birthday was yesterday readers! I turned 16! How awesome is that?! No, I can't drive yet... So I'm going to post this thing I'm working on buuuut I don't like it at all. My friend loves it so that's the only reason I do it but yeah. My mom said she's going to edit Finding In The Battle Field and we will make a awesome story. Not a short story but a real story! And I had this idea for a new story while watching the voice.... Okay I think I'll leave you with that,
Brittney :)

Monday, October 21, 2013

No Promises.....

So I met Quinn Loftis at an Meet the Library Book Club with my friends and I ended up giving her my blog address! So since she said she'll be looking at my blog I won't fangirl but no promises. I will have ever tell you all to go to her website and check it out or to read her book Prince of Wolves! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!! AND ONE OF MY FAVORITE LINES IS ON 99 AND I LOVE JEN SHE IS SO FUNNY!!!!! I JUST LOVE FANE SO SO SOSOSOSOSOSSOSOSOSOSOOSSOSOOSSOSO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I guess I did fangirl..... Oh well. ALSO SHE SIGNED MY COPY OF THE BOOK!!!!!!!

Okay, I'm leaving now, Once Upon a Time is on,

Here is the link for her website: QuinnLoftisBooks