Wednesday, March 16, 2016

"You are my hope" by Brittney Cole

The Darkness. 
It closes in. 
I am hiding from it. 
I am cold. 
I am alone. 
No one can hear me. 
No one will help me. 
 I feelLike I can do
But out of no where,
When all seems lost, 
I see you. 
Shining down,
On me. 
Your light warms me. 
Your light fills me with,
A feeling I don't know. 
You take my hand,
I am not alone. 
The darkness hides from,
From us. 
For now we are bright. 
For now we are one. 
For now you are my sun. 
For now you are my,
With Your hand in mine
I feel like
We can do 
