Wednesday, August 1, 2012

My view on the Gay against Chick-Fil-A boycott

At chick-fil-a today I saw this really cute little girl and her little old grandpa waiting in line, she pointed at our car and told her grandpa "Look they heart chick-fil-a!" We did window paint on our car and it said, "WE <3 CHICK-FIL-A!" and "WE SUPPORT CHICK-FIL-A!" We had people taking pictures by a car and smiling and pointing and giving us thumbs up. Now my question is who is going to support them again on Friday? We plan to. I think it's interesting that only 8 or 9 protesters were out there. I mean as much as they raved on about it you would have thought more would've been there, of course nothing could compare to the hundreds of Chick-fil-a supports that were there. Their signs were pretty hateful and they had a little three year old out there with her bottle and Barney doll and a sign that read, 'IT'S OKAY TO BE GAY!" And signs that said Christians kill. And so many other things that were wrong, I mean what's the point? It's just what one man thinks and they go to all of this trouble and planning a gay kiss on Friday just to ruffle a man's feathers? If they got half of the world's opinion we would have a war on our hands with their thinking. But it's pointless if you ask me. We won't change our beliefs because someone doesn't like it. Just like they won't change theirs. Another sign they had was one that said, "GOD LOVES EVERYONE!" This is true. I believe that. But, God made a Man and a Woman to be a Man and a Woman. As Christians we frown upon their lifestyle like many religions frown on ours or people who don’t like homeschool frown upon the homeschoolers. It just goes around and around again and again. Unless someone goes up and really knocks some sense into them they are just going to keep thinking and doing what they think is right. Which it isn’t in this case but that’s just one person’s opinion.  I think the only real point they proved today was how many people were against gay ways and thinking.

I really don't care if I lose followers or views or friends because of this post because I'm going to stand by my belief and you will either accept or not and that's going to be based by your beliefs and thoughts on this matter and I respect that even if I don't agree with it.

As always,

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