Monday, December 17, 2012

Cliff hangers and Who Do you like more

Can it be true? Two post in one? Why yes it can.

Who likes the new Spell Bound? I know I do and so does my friend who texted me at four in the morning and my other friend who fan girls over Spell Bound(which is really cool by the way). So I know most people don't like cliff hangers. And they make people all like "OH MY GOSH! WHY DOES SHE DO THIS TO US!?" Or all like "WHY DOES SHE HATE MEEEEEEEE!?"
Well to set the record straight I do NOT hate you, I love you all(bro sis kind of love or like BFF love not love love because that would be strange) ANYWHO I love cliff hangers because they make people want to read more and if your anything like me the rest of your life can't go on until you finish said book, movie, show, hobby. So I hope that's what it's like for you. I'm sorry if you hate Cliffhangers but your going to have to hang in there trust me it will be worth it (!).

Who do you like more?:
Okay I'm going to ask some questions on who you like more and your going to answer them, deal? Okay after the question will be my answer so you know how to fill it out.

Mark or Tom? Mark.
Stacy or Sam? Stacy.
Sally or Morris? Morris.
Mark and Stacy or Tom and Sam? THAT'S TOOOOO HARD! But I think M&S.
Morta or Master D? Morta (I love Morta!!! Just to clear that up)
Hmmm I guess that's everyone... That wasn't so bad was it?

Well, last thing:

That is all,

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