Monday, June 25, 2012

Ta Ta For Now!

I'm leaving AGAIN! This time for mission trip in my own back yard. I'm going to be staying at the church and work on old house in the north side of town. Please pray that we will touch hearts this week.

Your missionary wannabe,

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Chicksters 4 is online y'all! Hope you like it!


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Confusing, I know.

Okay most of you are going to be all 8 chapters? WHAT? All I did was break it up so the only really new chapters are 7&8.  Nine is done but won't be posted till I'm done editing all of the book and it might be the last chapter. So look for it towards the end of the month.

Hope that helps,

Saturday, June 16, 2012

I drew Liz!!

Again I drew someone from Overcoming!:) Here is LIZ!!!!:)

I drew Nina!!

This is Nina on her date in Chapter 6. I don't have a skin colored so every one is white!! X)


Chapter 6!

Overcoming chapter 6 is online and ready for y'all to read it so go and read like the wind bloggers!



This is what I see Satinka as. Her hair isn't as dark because I didn't have a black marker. Her hand is out because I was going to draw Alex but I can't draw guys. I really just can't... I'll work on Nina next;). Okay quick thing chapter 6 is on the way! Almost done.... I think;)

From my iPod,

Friday, June 15, 2012

Okay, y'all

Hey, y'all! =) Okay I re-did Overcoming so re-read it. I really love how many people have visited my Blog. That's awesome y'all thanks!!!!


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Camp here I come!

I'm heading off to camp Monday and won't have a laptop. I'm so ready for church camp. My bestest friend in the world Alicia (Go follow her blog @ ) is going with me to this church camp for the first time, for us anyway. We've been to different church camps, just not this one, till now! =) I won't have my laptop, like I said earlier, and I won't be able to write Overcoming for a week. I come back Saturday my fingers just itching to run across that keyboard.

With Love,